Daily Archives: June 6, 2024

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Newspapers were the natural next step after printers saw the success of pamphlets. A newspaper is published regularly (daily or weekly), it tells its readers the important news, and printers can sell advertising space in it. A newspaper could carry more than one essayist to write opinion pieces.
By the later years of the 1700s, essayists were writing their opinions in the newspapers. Successful newspapers had a large circulation—meaning: many people bought and read that newspaper. The bigger your circulation, the more you can charge for advertising space. Advertising revenue is what makes a newspaper profitable. The way to get a big circulation is to hire writers whose stuff people want to read.
What kind of stuff? One hot topic was taxes. In the American colonies, people were fed up with an overbearing government that imposed high taxes on everything. There was even a tax on newspapers and pamphlets. The problem was: colonists had no say in how they were governed from England—they had no representatives in Parliament to make laws or vote on their behalf. King George III thought of the American colonies as not much more than a money-making machine for the British treasury. He needed buttloads of cash to support his enormous empire. So, he taxed his colonial subjects. If they didn’t pay their taxes, there were plenty of George’s soldiers to throw them in jail.